Friday, January 1, 2016

The Top 15 Tweets of 2015 from @coolcatteacher

Education news and trends

From the Cool Cat Teacher Blog by Vicki Davis

Follow @coolcatteacher on Twitter

HAPPY NEW YEAR! Wow, 2015 was a big year for Twitter in education. So many new faces joined in and even more Twitter chats started up. But this was certainly the year of the SKETCHNOTE and my friend Sylvia Duckworth was queen of them. (Excited to be leading a panel with her and other star edusketchers at ISTE 2016)

15 Top Tweets of 2015

I was shocked with my friend Richard Byrne came to my school and set up a Twitter account for his DOG. His DOG (who had no followers, mind you) had five lesson plans in five minutes on the Cold War using a hashtag for history teachers! (That is not ruff, that is pawesome! Pardon the puppy puns. 😉

As I’ve shared before, the Twitter analytics show how many people have seen and engaged with a post. You might not be able to tell with just favorites and likes what teachers REALLY like. So check out your Twitter analytics dashboard. If you’re curious, analytics only lets you see 90 days at a time, so I had to look at each quarter of the year and summarize the top tweets by hand.

Here are the 15 top Tweets from 2015 that I tweeted from my account. I appreciate all of you who share with me on Twitter each day. Reaching 100,000 followers was really an incredible day! (Although I admit I don’t feel any different. Thanks to Steve Dembo @teach42 for telling me about Twitter!)

#15 – A personal rant about grading

Teachers who “give zeroes” and refuse to let confused kids make up work really get my ire up. The replies on this tweet are worth a read. Certainly, there are some excuses for not taking late work but not all the time. I’m here to TEACH not to GRADE. Lots of talk about grading and assessment this year.

#14 – PLN Sketchnote by Sylvia Duckworth

The first of many sketchnotes from Sylvia Duckworth on the top tweet list!

#13 Justin Tarte is an AWESOME tweeter and Ian Jukes is a great one to quote!

#12 – 7 Things Every Educator Needs to Know About Online Learning

This interview on Every Classroom Matters with e-learning professional Jade Ballek trended for several weeks. Sylvia Duckworth’s sketchnote made it easy to understand. Thanks Lesley University for sponsoring this program!

#11 – Staples Back to School

I was excited to be a Staples Brand Ambassador for Back to School 2015. I led a Twitter chat that trended in the US for back to school. It was a lot of fun to join Staples and other bloggers in this program.

#10- Plagiarism Infographic

#9 – Google Classroom Was Big in 2015!

#8 – SAMR Sketchnote from Sylvia Duckworth

#7 – John Carver Tweeted this from ISTE

I couldn’t go to ISTE 2015 this year, but am headed to moderate three panels at ISTE 2016:

  • Mindsets and Classroom Management for Making and Inventing in Every Classroom – June 29 10:15 am with David Jakes, Erin Klein, Karen Lirenman, Angela Maiers, and Sylvia Martinez
  • Sketchnoting in Education: The Best Practices, Benefits and How-To’s of Sketchnoting – June 29 at 8:30 am with Carrie Baughcum, Sylvia Duckworth, Judi Holst, Carol Ann McGuire, Marie-Andree Ouimet, and Kathy Schrock.
  • Best Practices in Blended Learning Classrooms: Pedagogies, Skills and Tools for Teaching – June 27 8:30 am with JOnathan Bergmann, Mike Gwaltney, Aaron Sams, Stephanie Sanifer, and Thomas Arnett from the Cristensen Institute.

#6 A Growth Mindset Chart

Sketchnotes were big this year!

#5 – Plenary Review Grid by Amjad Ali

This excellent graphic by @ASTsupportAAli made the rounds. (As I shared in the post, it took a while for me to find out that he was the source.)

#4 – My Favorite Cloud Tools!

#3 – Kid President and his #kpawesome girls Program

#2 – Interview with Brad Montague, creator of Kid President

The story behind Kid President is cool. This episode and tweet had lots of listens and clicks by educators and Kid President fans.

#1 6 Epic Educational Truths by Alec Couros (with sketchnote by Sylvia Duckworth)

The top tweet of this year featured a sketchnote and Every Classroom Matters episode with Alec Couros. This episode was sponsored by VIF Learning Center. The show and tweets got better and better this year. (All the feedback I get from educators helps me be a better podcast host, blogger, and classroom teacher and for that I’m so grateful!)

Thank you for taking your valuable time to join me here and on Twitter. I commit to you that I’ll work even harder to save you lots of time. The coolest thing about these top tweets is that they are top because so many of you shared and reshared. More than ever, social media is like a vote and what you favorite and like and reshare is IMPORTANT. We make the media for education, so make it good and helpful and noble.

Speaking of saving time, join my email list if you want to get the best of the best (and maybe even win some cool prizes.) I’m amping up my email list because I’m finding that those who read my blog via email tend to be very engaged and eager teachers. I want to nurture their energy and excitement, so join the list and stay tuned.

The post The Top 15 Tweets of 2015 from @coolcatteacher appeared first on Cool Cat Teacher Blog by Vicki Davis @coolcatteacher helping educators be excellent every day. Meow!

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